Retrospective: London Photosphere Photowalk

This is a Retrospective – a post where I look back into the archives and pull something out to share.

It’s always amazing how the internet can bring you together with people who share your interests. As my love for photospheres on Android grew, I got involved with the Photosphere Community on Google+ and got to know some exceptionally lovely and talented people. The idea grew for a then-probable-first, a photosphere photowalk in London. The idea was had, the plan was made and off we went – below are a series of photospheres taken on that day walking around London.

Some of the most challenging things to capture with photosphere are places with many people, due to movement between frames causing ghosting and partial figures. The software has much improved since these images were taken, and does an outstanding job of removing bits of people – but at Liverpool Street I had a particular challenge to avoid this.

The main concourse, London Liverpool Street | View as a spherical image

Leadenhall Market is a beautiful old building, tucked away out of sight. It was getting close to Christmas, so there were plenty of decorations around.

Leadenhall Market | View as a spherical image

Another fine old building, another challenge for photospheres. Strong vertical (and horizontal) foreground and background elements can be tricky to align when you’re shooting by hand. It worked rather well here!

The Royal Exchange | View as a spherical image

London seems to be stacked full of grand old buildings tucked between more modern offices. This is a beautiful courtyard outside the Guildhall. Also visible in this photosphere are Arun and Catherine, my companions in photosphere.

Guildhall and Guildhall Art Gallery, from the Southern Courtyard | View as a spherical image

St Paul’s doesn’t really require an introduction. On this day in 2013, the main steps also played host to over a thousand people dressed as Santa. Why not!

St Paul’s Cathedral | View as a spherical image

This fine old ruined church was a victim of the bombing in World War 2, now very much surrounded by more modern buildings. The planting that echoes the position of the long-since missing columns is a nice touch.

Christchurch Greyfriars | View as a spherical image

It’s interesting how in the “flat” image below, the Shard almost seems small and round – switching the spherical image (the link is below the photograph, or here) reveals it in its full, sharp glory. It’s a brilliantly futuristic looking building; I really kind of love it.

The Shard | View as a spherical image

Southwark Cathedral is a really stunning building. It’s well worth popping in for a look if you’re nearby – that vaulted ceiling is something else!

Southwark Cathedral | View as a spherical image

The carvings on the wall at the top end of the nave are beautifully detailed.

Southwark Cathedral | View as a spherical image

From the south bank, we headed to our last stop for the day – the London Eye.

The London Eye | View as a spherical image

And as the light faded, we headed for a final coffee before home. Maybe someday soon we’ll do a reprise and create photospheres in the capital once again?

I’ve written about Photospheres before: see my previous posts here (an introductory post) and here (Stowe House and Gardens).